Powers of Attorney in Vancouver, WA
If you become incapacitated without a plan in place, your family will ultimately have to petition the court for guardianship to be able to manage your routine health and financial affairs. Guardianship is a complicated process that results in your becoming a ward of the State, and is very emotionally taxing to you and your loved ones. As elder law attorneys we can help you avoid guardianship risk and protect your ability to live life privately on your own terms by crafting strong, clear incapacity planning including Durable Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives, and functionally practical HIPAA releases so your terms are followed and ease is created for your loved ones helping you.
Creating a strong, clear incapacity plan makes it possible for your choices of people to be who manages your affairs, and grants them all the power needed to do so no matter what life throws your way. They can even be used to help preserve assets when threatened with financial loss due to long-term care costs, tax issues, and to assist in protection from elder abuse. This often results in much better provision for quality of life, and peace within the family when things get tough.
As Vancouver, WA, elder law specialists, we can help you craft a strong, protective Durable Power of Attorney so your loved ones you choose can ensure you’re cared for the way you wish if you become incapacitated. A Durable Power of Attorney is critical for your choice of helper to be able to transition
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into helping easily and begin managing your affairs when you most need them – without you becoming a ward of the State.
In our role as elder law attorneys, we advise and guide so you may make informed decisions about the Durable Power of Attorney tools you need. Fundamental to any plan are the following:
- Financial power of attorney
- Health Care power of attorney
For some, who help care for minor children, whether they be grandchildren or not, there may be a need for a Durable Power of Attorney for Minor Children.
Durable Financial Power Of Attorney
With a Durable Financial Power of Attorney, you can name someone to handle your financial or business affairs if you cannot do so. This person, referred to as an “Attorney in Fact” or “Your Agent” can make various financial and business decisions related to your assets and the use and management of them. As Vancouver, WA elder law estate planning attorneys, we guide you as you make decisions about what powers to grant. We craft them to work together.
Durable Health Care Power Of Attorney
With a Durable Health Care Power of Attorney, your “Attorney in Fact” or “Agent” will manage and make health care decisions for you when you are unable to do so. This tool coordinates with the grant of financial durable power of attorney powers as well as your Health Care Directive and a HIPAA Release. All must be crafted to work together because health care management will always be tied to purse strings. The ability to access medical information is fundamental if the powers to manage health care are to be used.
With all decisions that involve naming individual(s) to help you when you cannot manage your own affairs, it is critical that you base your choices on people you know and trust to always do right by you. As Vancouver, WA, elder law attorneys we guide you through the vital factors to consider in who you name and how to best discuss your choices with your family if you have concerns about how your loved ones may feel about your choices.
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Why Choose
Pettis Webber Pacific P.S.?
As Vancouver, WA, long-term care planning lawyers, we can use many techniques and strategies to craft your custom plan. Such techniques can include:
- Free Phone Conference - Have a free phone conference with a legal assistant to see how we may best serve your needs.
- Customized Services - Our team relies on years of experience to provide customized services for our clients. These services ensure that each client's unique needs are met and their interests are protected.
- Free Seminars - Pettis Webber Pacific P.S. regularly holds free seminars that cover topics like estate planning, wills versus trusts, preserving assets and planning for the costs of long-term care.
- Well-trained Team - Pettis Webber Pacific P.S. has a full, competent, compassionate, professional staff highly trained to help assist you through the planning process all along the way.
- Simplifies the Process - Planning issues and the law are complex and challenging. Pettis Webber Pacific P.S. prides itself on helping clients become educated and aware so that they understand the decisions they make while navigating the process.

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Words From Clients
"Pettis Webber did an excellent job of setting up our trust. It gives us great peace of mind to know that our estate is well taken care of and will be easy to administer for our children."
"We worked with Karen Webber. Karen walked us through the set up of our Revocable Living Trust. She was clear in explaining the need to specific aspects of setting up the trust. The process was smooth and the a paperwork was created and distributed in a timely manner. We would definitely recommend Karen to anyone who is looking to set up a trust."
"Our experience with Pettis Webber was smooth and reassuring. All questions we had were always answered in detail and understandably. Definitely feel thankful that we had them handle our will and living trust. Very professional."
"I have valued this law firm for years. They managed my late mother’s legal matters superbly. Since about 2007, they have handled 3 differed sets of legal documents for me. I appreciate their friendly, competent help."
"What a genuinely caring firm who are vested in helping their clients. Estate Planning is not always a top priority and I love how your team gently nudged me to get mine done. Highly Recommend!!"
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