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Estate Planning Attorney in Vancouver, WA | Pettis Webber Pacific P.S.

Attorney for Planning For The Second Half Of Life

Pettis Webber Pacific P.S. helps Washington residents prepare for the second half of life with estate planning strategies.

Planning For The Second Half Of Life

Nursing homes cost $93,600 per year. Are you protected?

What happens if you don’t die? Like most estate planning attorneys, we help clients prepare plans that determine how to effectuate their wishes when they pass away and how to make the process as expedient as possible. However, if you or a loved one is facing elder care issues, traditional estate planning may not work. Traditional estate plans are designed to help you pass your assets on to your heirs when you pass away. And while that is an important consideration, they often don’t adequately address the question of how your affairs will be handled if you don’t die but get sick along the way.

What is involved with this type of planning?

  1. Review of your goals, family situation and assets;
  2. Immediate implementation of an incapacity plan;
  3. Review of your existing estate planning documents and consider how they would work if you had a long term care need
  4. Education about the strategies available; and
  5. Development of your plan to protect your estate from a care need as well as all necessary estate planning documents, trusts or related documents.

Who Should Consider Second Half of Life Planning?

Anyone who is concerned about protecting their future and learning how to pay for a care need now or in the future. If you’ve had any of the following concerns, then this planning is for you:

  • Uncertain about buying long term care insurance;
  • Worries about the cost of assisted living, adult family home or nursing home costs;
  • Worried about how you’ll make decisions for your spouse if he or she can’t;
  • Wanting to protect your spouse or make things easy for your children;
  • Concerned about a loved one who really needs help at home now;
  • Confusion about the difference between Medicaid and Medicare;
  • Heard rumors about some Veteran’s benefits that might pay for assisted living; or
  • Not sure about how a reverse mortgage will affect you if you need to pay for care.

What strategies will be considered?

Medicare benefits
Veteran’s benefits
Usefulness and timing of annuities for a care need
Care insurance policy design
Incapacity planning that lets you decide who will make your decisions if you can’t
How a reverse mortgage impacts care
Documentation so that your health care wishes are implemented
Trusts including 60 month trusts, family purposes trusts, living trusts and more
Medicaid benefits including COPES, medically needy programs and Medicaid skilled nursing care
How care can impact your estate plan
Whether probate is a blessing or a curse if your spouse needs care

How we can help you and your loved ones:

We start with a comprehensive estate and long-term care planning evaluation. Sometimes clients are in crisis and steps need to be taken immediately. Other times families recognize the need for planning that may evolve over period of years. No matter the time frame, we can help you understand and determine the best planning strategies to pursue in order to meet the planning needs of you and your loved ones.

How long does this take?

Depending on our calendars, most plans take three to four months from the date of the initial consultation to completion.

How do I get started?

Call our offices and a trained legal assistant will provide you with a no charge, no obligation phone conference to assess whether or not this type of planning seems appropriate for you. Then we’ll set an initial consultation to start our discussions. At that meeting we’ll provide a quote for our fee and you can then decide whether or not to proceed.

What can I do to keep fees as low as possible?

Be sure to provide us with complete information and make sure you bring all the necessary documents. Remember, you want the strategies that will work for you; without your details we can’t adequately plan the best strategies for you!

This seems like more than I need. I just have a few questions I’d like to have answered. Can’t I simply come in for a half hour meeting to get answers?

There is no one simple answer or one simple strategy that works for everyone. In order to give you complete advice, we must know your complete picture. To do piecemeal work would be a grave disservice in that we might not advise you on your best strategy.

Education is invaluable.

No question is insignificant. We will give you candid answers to legal and financial questions and answers to delicate questions that may be troubling you: questions about memory loss, driving, loved ones who wander, end of life issues, and more to regain your peace of mind.

Tell Us What Happened To Evaluate Your Case

Call (360) 696-2069 or fill out the short form below. We will usually respond within 1 business day but often do so the same day. Don’t hesitate, your questions are welcome.

Tell Us What Happened to Evaluate Your Case

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We respect your privacy. The information you provide will be used to answer your question or to schedule an appointment if requested.

Why Choose
Pettis Webber Pacific P.S.?

Free Phone Conference With Pettis Webber Pacific P.S.
Why Choose Pettis Webber Pacific P.S.?

Update Wills And Trusts

Your situation can change over the years, meaning you might need to update your will or trust. When planning for the second half of your life, visit a Vancouver, WA, attorney to update these documents. You can change beneficiaries, add a property, and more. If you want to start fresh, your attorney can also revoke the will or revocable trust. Then, you can start over. Don’t put this off. If you fail to make changes before you become incapacitated, it will be too late.

Financial Planning

You likely have lots of financial questions when planning for the second half of your life. For instance, you might want to know if you should get a reverse mortgage or if your Veteran’s benefits will pay for assisted living. Your attorney can answer these questions for you so you can create a solid financial plan for your golden years. Then, you can enjoy each day without worrying about your finances.

Common Nursing Home Care Issues

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