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Estate Planning Attorney in Vancouver, WA | Pettis Webber Pacific P.S.

Alzheimer's Planning In Vancouver, WA

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Alzheimer's Planning In Vancouver, WA

As Vancouver, WA, Alzheimer planning lawyers we can help you create plans to protect you through each stage of the disease. These plans help ensure that your health care, personal, and financial wishes are honored, even if you become incapacitated.

Our Vancouver, WA Alzheimer’s planning attorneys offer a range of services, including:

  • Powers of attorney for health and finances
  • Health Care Directives
  • Guardianships, if necessary

Power of Attorney and Alzheimer's Planning

It is often not too late, even with a diagnosis, to put a strong Power of Attorney in place to better protect you and your family as Alzheimer’s progresses. Powers of Attorney are tools that create clear legal authority for financial and health care decision making, and empower that authority to best handle matters for you. A well crafted, strong Power of Attorney is the key to keeping your life private and on your terms, and avoiding guardianship control through the State court system.

Health Care Directives

A Health Care Directive is documentation of your wishes on end-of-life medical decisions regarding artificial supports. It helps provide assurance for you and ease the emotional difficulties for family when it’s needed. As Alzheimer’s planning attorneys, we take care to explain and help you craft the directive you need to make things easier for you and your loved ones in a difficult time.

In addition, we can help you implement supplementary directions in your Health Care Directive that work together with the rest of your planning so that your loved ones have specific guidance for the different stages of concern as the disease progresses. Such direction includes decisions regarding financing your medical care, where to live, and when you feel you should stop driving, among other things. This tool, when coordinated with your whole plan, does a lot to empower you through a time that can often feel quite isolating and powerless.


If your loved one has Alzheimer’s and does not have a good Power of Attorney in place, eventually there will be a void of legal authority to handle their affairs when mental capacity is lost. When that occurs, without a good Power of Attorney already in place, inevitably, court control of your loved-one’s life will have to be sought through the Guardianship process. That means petitioning the court and going through the court process to have a Guardian appointed who handles the decisions in your loved one’s life at the behest and oversight of the State Court. Guardianships are to be a last resort and avoided in the law if there is any less-restrictive way to help another who can no longer help themselves.

Estate Planning

“Estate Planning,” refers to the process of having a comprehensive, well-crafted legal plan in place that directs and guides your loved ones through life when you no longer can manage your affairs, and directs them through the process of handling your estate when you pass away. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease and it is crucial that you put a full, quality estate plan in place before it gets to the point you lose the capacity to do your own planning. Getting your estate plan done in time assures you that your quality-of-life wishes while ill are followed and your wishes for who inherits your estate are honored when you pass. It is one of the most critical elements to protecting you and your family today and into the future.

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