Our office will be closed for staff training all day, Monday, March 3rd and return to normal hours on Tuesday, March 4th.

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Estate Planning Attorney in Vancouver, WA | Pettis Webber Pacific P.S.

Covid-19 Announcement

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Covid-19 Announcement

We’re Here, We’re Working & We Can Help!

There’s a lot of change happening right now and life is doing what it does – being unpredictable! We want to take a minute to be sure you know we are here for you! Before March began, we began making changes due to the COVID19 concerns around the world and beginning in our state. Because we planned ahead, we are able to keep serving you and our community during this difficult time, especially for the majority of those we serve. We are open and fully functioning as we have full virtual capabilities in our office so reduced in person contact is not preventing us from being here to help you be sure that you, and those you love, will be okay. We are in this together. We are fully capable to continue helping and serving you and our community because we are taking, serious precautions in how we do our work every day. Here are a few of the ways we’re doing this:

  • Strictly enforcing screening, sanitizing, and social distancing protocols
  • Using virtual capabilities
  • Offering meeting alternatives
  • Working with facilities and care homes to safely best aid those at the highest risk

Screening, sanitizing, social distancing practices

  • All team members, clients, delivery persons – all those coming in our building are being screened in accordance with screening advisories from the State of Washington and the CDC
  • We sanitize our conference rooms at the beginning of the day, middle of the day, end of the day, and immediately after every single meeting
  • All common areas, and workstations and all commonly touched surfaces (light switches, door knobs, drawer handles, cabinet doors, all office equipment buttons and tools) are being sanitized a minimum of three times a day
  • All team members are observing strict hand washing and distancing guidelines as well

Virtual capabilities

  • Our team is able to work virtually as well as in office
  • Our systems function with very high levels of cyber security with 24-hour monitoring of security
  • We have the ability to switch to 100% virtual without service interruption
  • Our phone system, computer network, and work stations are able to become virtual overnight and we have already tested the ability to do so at a moment’s notice
  • We have team members able to act as couriers to facilitate picking up and dropping off paperwork for appointments to and from client homes

Meeting style alternatives

  • We are encouraging, and have the ability to meet with you via video conference and/or phone
  • We continue to be able to offer in person meetings. However, for in person meetings, we have protective procedures and protocols in place that may make in person meetings feel a little different
  • We are being careful to observe the 6-foot guideline of social distancing and we are booking in person meetings in ways that minimize the number of people in our building and lobby at any given time
  • We are also able to continue signing meetings so that plans can be finalized and in effect. Though this requires in person contact as of now, we have well-defined protocols, protective equipment, and processes that are strictly followed by staff to protect health and safety
  • We are encouraging out of office signings at this time, and “drive up” signings should you prefer not to come into the building

Working with facilities for those at high risk

  • We also want to be sure you know that we are able to get to those most at risk in facilities that are now on “lockdown”
  • As attorneys, we are an exception to the no entry rules as people are not denied access to their attorneys
  • We are happy to coordinate to be able to meet with you for you to sign your documents if you are in a facility. To do so, we will carefully follow all required safety precautions and work with the facility to best coordinate where and how the meeting is to be conducted

Finally, we urge you to review your planning documents. Particularly, please review your Durable Power of Attorney to be certain that the people named are still those you want to have step into your shoes, trust with the “keys to your kingdom,” and help you if you cannot independently manage affairs for yourself at some time. Life changes. That means plans may need to be updated. Are those you named to help still who you want helping? Are they able? Are they a practically viable choice given the current travel restrictions?

We are here for you! Please do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to do so.

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